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Training the coordinators of the alumni units to organize the implementation of training programs, meetings, and to export certificates immediately

Training the coordinators of the alumni units to organize the implementation of training programs, meetings, and to export certificates immediately

As part of the University Vice Rectorate for Educational and Academic Affairs’ endeavor to develop the technical skills of the coordinators and coordinators of the graduate units in the faculties, a training course was organized for them remotely on Sunday 1/3/1442 AH corresponding to 10/18/2020 AD. During the course, coordinators in all fields were trained to organize the implementation of courses, training programs and meetings, and trained on a mechanism for exporting certificates in specialized professional courses by e-mail immediately after passing the test for the course and issuing a code for each certificate as well as a mechanism for verifying certificates through the code. They were also trained. Professionally design advertisements and certificates.

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