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Vision, Mission and Objectives


A distinguished graduate who is qualified to compete in the labor market locally and globally.


Enhancing the competitive capabilities of graduates in the labor market; This is done through developing professional skills and job qualification, effective attendance at all job fairs and available electronic platforms, providing an interactive environment that is attractive to graduates, training and employment agencies, and establishing partnerships with the labor market.

1. Develop the skills and competencies of students and graduates and develop their personal qualities necessary to compete in the labor market.
2. Assisting graduates in creating strong portfolios of achievements that increase their competitiveness in the labor market.
3. Assist graduates in finding employment opportunities and developing their professional skills.
4. Establishing partnerships with the labor market.
5. Effective and continuous communication with alumni, employment and vocational training destinations.
6. Organizing career guidance in colleges according to the available practical methods and methods.
7. Providing data, statistics and analysis of the necessary questionnaires for graduates and employers.
8. Organizing graduation projects and linking them to the labor market.
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