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Supervisor’s Message

The era of science and knowledge witnesses a rising competition between the educational institutions to build distinguished educational outputs that are able to compete in the labor market. In addition, we believe in the graduate importance because he is a reflection of the academic department, the college and the university in front of the local and external society especially in front of the labor market. Therefore, SAU was keen to communicate with its graduates in order to participate in the elevation of efficiency level and the provided educational services to the students. The Communication with the graduates became true through establishing the Alumni Unit that supervised by the Vice-Rectorate of Educational and Academic Affairs.

Alumni unit is concerned with following up graduates affairs by helping them to transit from the educational environment inside the university to the practical environment. It also concerned to assist them in obtaining job opportunities that suites their academic qualifications. In addition, it provides training courses to the expected to graduate students, which is giving them the required skills that enhance their abilities and enable them to obtain the available vacancies. Moreover, the unit provides a feedback to the academic departments in order to develop their self according to labor market needs and employment percentage.          

Unit Supervisor

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